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Organizational strengthening of ACACPA

Organizational strengthening of ACACPA


Organizational strengthening of ACACPA for the implementation of the coffee business and marketing plan, sub-basin of the Cirí Grande and Trinidad rivers, CHCP

Funded by:
Ecological Trust of Panama, FIDECO Fund.

Executing Entity:
Solidarity Organic Production and Marketing Association (PROCOSOL)

Total amount:
B/. 106,233.20
Contribution from the FIDECO Fund:
B/. 95,533.20
Matching contribution:
B/. 10,700.00

Start date:
January 26, 2016
Finish date:
January 26, 2017

General objective:
Consolidate the organizational structure of ACACPA through a capacity building plan, aimed at promoting, activating and promoting ACACPA membership.

Specific objectives:

  1. Consolidate the organizational structure of ACACPA through a capacity building plan, aimed at promoting, activating and promoting ACACPA membership.
  2. Improve the operational capacity of ACACPA, through the evaluation of the productive capacity and the design of a wet and dry process benefit for coffee; through the incorporation of prioritized equipment to increase the commercial quality of the grain.
  3. Implement, together with the Capira MIDA, a control and monitoring plan for the coffee berry borer in 100 hectares of plantations within the Cirí Grande and Trinidad sub-basins.

Program Area:
Comprehensive Management of the Panama Canal Hydrographic Basin