Conservation and protection of forest cover in the Cirí Grande and Trinidad rivers
Conservation and protection of forest cover in the middle and lower part of the sub-basins of the Cirí Grande and Trinidad rivers, Panama Canal Hydrographic Basin
Funded by: Panama Ecological Trust, FIDECO Fund.
Executing Entity:
Solidarity Organic Production and Marketing Association (PROCOSOL)
Total amount:
138,925.00 USD
Contribution from the FIDECO Fund:
122,205.00 USD
Matching contribution:
16,720.00 USD
Start date:
November 16, 2015
Finish date:
May 16, 2017
General objective:
Implement measures for the recovery and protection of environmental goods and services, of the sub-basins of the Cirí Grande and Trinidad rivers (middle and lower section), to generate changes in production models and encourage agricultural producers to use sustainable agricultural techniques. .
Specific objectives:
Prepare and implement farm management plans in shaded coffee agroforestry plots in the middle and lower reaches of the sub-basins of the Cirí Grande and Trinidad rivers.
Prepare a digital GIS database of the management plans, of the selected farms, in the middle and lower sections of the sub-basins of the Cirí Grande and Trinidad rivers.
Program Area:
forest cover conservation