Funded by: Panama Ecological Trust, FIDECO/DARIEN Fund
Executing Entity: FUDIS
Total Amount: B/. 168,300.00
Contribution from the FIDECO Fund: B/. 153,000.00
Counterpart Contribution: B/. 15,300.00
Start date: January 3, 2022
Completion date: January 3, 2023
Program Area: Ecosystems/Forests – Biodiversity
General Objective: Contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and the connectivity of the natural habitats of Garachiné as part of the buffer area of the Darién National Park, using sustainable production practices on cattle farms in the area.
Specific objectives:
- Silvopastoral systems implemented in the Garachiné livestock production farms as measures for forest restoration, biodiversity conservation and the reduction of contamination of water and soil resources
- Reforestation with native species implemented in the agricultural farms of Garachiné as a mechanism to reduce selective logging and provide firewood and wood for consumption by local communities
- Forest fires in Garachiné have been reduced due to the implementation of good practices in fire management by agricultural producers in the area
Project products:
- Implementation of the investments proposed in the Management Plan in the 15 farms of selected producers and that the project intervenes in at least 15 hectares with the following technologies: (i) silvopastoral systems; (ii) forest enrichment; and (iii) installation of drinkers and water harvesting systems for animals.
- Implementation of the Fodder Bank Project as a productive alternative in 3000m2 per farm to be intervened
- Prepare a Reforestation and Maintenance Plan with native species for 5 farms selected from component 1 and train producers in maintenance methodologies for forest plantations
- Reforest at least 5 hectares with native species on the selected farms
- For the year 2021, a diagnosis of current practices in fire management in Garachiné has been carried out and a Training Plan has been designed, specifically for agricultural farms.
- By 2022, the Fire Management Training Plan for Garachiné producers has been implemented and 10 producers have been provided with fire fighting equipment