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Alternativas para la Ganadería Sostenible y la Conservación de la Biodiversidad en sitio Garachiné, microcuenca del río San Antonio, Parque Nacional Darién

Financiado por: Fideicomiso ecológico de Panamá, Fondo FIDECO/DARIÉN
Entidad Ejecutora: FUDIS

Monto Total: B/. 168,300.00
Aporte del Fondo FIDECO: B/. 153,000.00
Aporte de Contrapartida: B/. 15,300.00

Fecha de inicio:  3 de enero de 2022
Fecha de finalización:  3 de enero de 2023

Área Programática:  Ecosistemas/Bosques – Biodiversidad

Objetivo General: Contribuir a la conservación de la biodiversidad y la conectividad de los hábitats naturales de Garachiné como parte del área de amortiguamiento del Parque Nacional Darién, utilizando prácticas productivas sostenibles en las fincas ganaderas de la zona

Objetivos Específicos:

  • Sistemas silvopastoriles implementados en las fincas de producción ganaderas de Garachiné como medidas de restauración del bosque, conservación de la biodiversidad y la disminución de la contaminación del recurso agua y suelo
  • Reforestación con especies nativas implementadas en las fincas agropecuarias de Garachiné como un mecanismo para reducir la tala selectiva y proveer leña y madera para consumo de las comunidades locales
  • Los incendios forestales en Garachiné se han reducido debido a la implementación de buenas prácticas en el manejo de fuego por parte de los productores agropecuarios de la zona

Productos del proyecto:

P1: Implementación de las inversiones propuestas en el Plan de Manejo en las 15 fincas de productores seleccionadas y que el proyecto intervenga en al menos 15 hectáreas con las siguientes tecnologías: (i) sistemas silvopastoriles; (ii) enriquecimiento de bosques; y (iii) instalación de bebederos y sistemas de cosecha de agua para animales

P2. Implementación del Proyecto de Banco Forrajero como alternativa productiva en 3000m2 por finca a intervenir

P3. Preparar un Plan de Reforestación y mantenimiento con especies nativas para 5 fincas seleccionadas del componente 1 y capacitar a los productores en las metodologías de mantenimiento de las plantaciones forestales

P4. Reforestar al menos 5 hectáreas con especies nativas en las fincas seleccionadas

P5. Para el año 2021 se ha realizado un diagnóstico de las prácticas actuales en el manejo del fuego en Garachiné y diseñado un Plan de Capacitación, específicamente para las fincas agropecuarias.

P6. Para el año 2022 se ha implementado el Plan de Capacitación en el manejo de fuego para los productores de Garachiné y se ha dotado de equipos corta fuegos a 10 productores


Alternatives for Sustainable Livestock and Biodiversity Conservation in the Garachiné site, San Antonio river micro-basin, Darién National Park

Funded by: Panama Ecological Trust, FIDECO/DARIEN Fund

Executing Entity: FUDIS

Total Amount: B/. 168,300.00

Contribution from the FIDECO Fund: B/. 153,000.00

Counterpart Contribution: B/. 15,300.00

Start date: January 3, 2022

Completion date: January 3, 2023

Program Area: Ecosystems/Forests – Biodiversity

General Objective: Contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and the connectivity of the natural habitats of Garachiné as part of the buffer area of the Darién National Park, using sustainable production practices on cattle farms in the area.

Specific objectives:

  • Silvopastoral systems implemented in the Garachiné livestock production farms as measures for forest restoration, biodiversity conservation and the reduction of contamination of water and soil resources
  • Reforestation with native species implemented in the agricultural farms of Garachiné as a mechanism to reduce selective logging and provide firewood and wood for consumption by local communities
  • Forest fires in Garachiné have been reduced due to the implementation of good practices in fire management by agricultural producers in the area

Project products:

  1. Implementation of the investments proposed in the Management Plan in the 15 farms of selected producers and that the project intervenes in at least 15 hectares with the following technologies: (i) silvopastoral systems; (ii) forest enrichment; and (iii) installation of drinkers and water harvesting systems for animals.
  2. Implementation of the Fodder Bank Project as a productive alternative in 3000m2 per farm to be intervened
  3. Prepare a Reforestation and Maintenance Plan with native species for 5 farms selected from component 1 and train producers in maintenance methodologies for forest plantations
  4. Reforest at least 5 hectares with native species on the selected farms
  5. For the year 2021, a diagnosis of current practices in fire management in Garachiné has been carried out and a Training Plan has been designed, specifically for agricultural farms.
  6. By 2022, the Fire Management Training Plan for Garachiné producers has been implemented and 10 producers have been provided with fire fighting equipment


Alternatives for Sustainable Livestock and Biodiversity Conservation in the Garachiné site, San Antonio river micro-basin, Darién National Park

Alternatives for Sustainable Livestock and Biodiversity Conservation in the Garachiné site, San Antonio river micro-basin, Darién National Park

Funded by: Panama Ecological Trust, FIDECO/DARIEN Fund

Executing Entity: GEMAS

Total Amount: B/. 183,145.00

Contribution from the FIDECO Fund: B/. 161,595.00

Counterpart Contribution: B/. 21,550.00

Start date: January 20, 2021

Completion date: July 20, 2022

Program Area: Biodiversity

General Objective: Ecosystem conservation measures implemented, focused on the recovery and protection of environmental goods and services, to stop the loss of biodiversity, generating changes in production models, through comprehensive farm management plans.

Specific objectives:

  • Monitor the pressures and threats on biodiversity, to evaluate changes in the conditions of the Focal Elements of management, in the Garachiné site, based on a methodology developed for the baseline
  • Ecosystem conservation measures implemented, focused on the recovery and protection of environmental goods and services, to stop the loss of biodiversity, generating changes in production models, through comprehensive farm management plans

Project products:

  1. Environmental baseline of the condition of conservation objects
  2. Monitoring protocol prepared and implemented of the focal elements of management at the Garachiné site
  3. Preparation and implementation of 10 comprehensive farm management plans in the San Antonio river sub-basin and Garachiné site
  4. Adoption of technology transfer and good practices for climate-smart livestock
  5. Development of a capacity building process focused on the COVID-19 framework
  6. Systematization and communication of the project