Financed by: Ecological Trust of Panama, FIDECO Fund.
Executing Entity: MiAmbiente
Total amount: B/. 88,903.00
FIDECO contribution: B/. 59,832.00
Counterpart Contribution: B/. 29,071.00
Date: In execution
Programmatic Area: Strengthening the National System of Protected Areas.
2,000 educational brochures were printed, triptych-type, size 11×17, colored glossy paper.
15 radio programs were developed for two months and three weeks starting in November 2021, every Tuesday from 2:00 to 2:30 pm
Maintenance was carried out on the wastewater system, for the proper functioning of the toilet battery.
The contract was awarded for the Construction of a battery of toilets, sanitary facilities to be located in a flat area on the other side of the road in front of the checkpoint at the site known as La Toma
The design, construction and installation of eight (8) information signs, signage and trails was carried out.
The camera trap workshop and the basic manual for using camera traps were developed
PMEMAP workshops were held with interest groups and POA sessions