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Ganadería sostenible a través de la implementación de medidas de adaptación al cambio climático en el tramo medio de la subcuenca del río Trinidad, Cuenca Hidrográfica de Canal de Panamá

Financiado por: Fideicomiso ecológico de Panamá, Fondo FIDECO.
Entidad Ejecutora: Fundación PA.NA. M. A

Monto Total: B/. 199,020.00
Aporte del Fondo FIDECO: B/. 168,000.00
Aporte de Contrapartida: B/. 31,020.00

Fecha de inicio: 1 de enero de 2020
Fecha de finalización: 1 de julio de 2022
Área Programática: Cuencas Hidrográficas – Cobertura Boscosa

Objetivo General: Se han seleccionado y consensuado al menos el 70% de los planes de manejo de finca ubicadas a ambos lados del río Trinidad en el tramo medio de la subcuenca y adoptan prácticas ambientales sostenibles replicables, en fincas ganaderas afectadas por la variabilidad climática, con el fin de aumentar su resiliencia, implementando sistemas silvopastoriles que contribuyen a reducir presiones y amenazas identificadas en el PCA de la subcuenca del río Trinidad

Objetivos Específicos:

  • Diagnóstico elaborado de las fincas ubicadas en la subcuenca del río Trinidad, en el tramo medio, para conocer su condición ambiental, sus presiones y amenazas para la formulación de los planes de manejo de fincas.
  • Planes de manejo de fincas diseñados e implementados de manera participativa, para el 70% de las fincas ubicadas a ambos lados del río Trinidad en su tramo medio.
  • Plan de asistencia técnica y transferencia de tecnología es implementado con los propietarios seleccionados.

Productos del proyecto:
P1. Diagnóstico de las fincas ubicadas en la subcuenca del río Trinidad, para conocer su condición ambiental, sus presiones y amenazas para la elaboración de los planes de manejo de fincas

P2. Base de datos digital Datum Geodetic System de todas las fincas

P3. Diseñado e implementado de manera participativa los planes de manejo de fincas ubicadas a ambos lados del río Trinidad, con la identificación de presiones y amenazas de los objetos de conservación, que permitan aplicar las buenas prácticas ambientales y productivas.

P4. Implementado un plan de asistencia técnica y transferencia de tecnología con los propietarios seleccionados en la subcuenca del río Trinidad, para ofrecer alternativas a las necesidades propuestas.

P5. Seguimiento a las fincas establecidas con sistemas silvopastoriles y agroforestales en el tramo medio de la subcuenca del río Trinidad, para llevar un monitoreo de los avances de las buenas prácticas.


Estrategia de turismo regenerativo para construir comunidades fuertes y resilientes en Panamá

Financiado por: Fideicomiso ecológico de Panamá, Fondo FIDECO.
Entidad Ejecutora: APTSO

Monto Total: B/. 483,942.00
Aporte del Fondo FIDECO: B/. 60,000.00
Aporte de Contrapartida: B/. 423,942.00

Fecha de inicio: 12 de agosto de 2021
Fecha de finalización: 12 de agosto de 2022
Área Programática: Biodiversidad

Objetivo General: Construir comunidades fuertes y resilientes en Panamá a través del desarrollo y fortalecimientos de empresas de turismo comunitario en al menos 10 comunidades, bajo los principios de turismo regenerativo.

Productos del proyecto:
P1. Desarrollo y fortalecimiento de empresas de Turismo comunitario


La Yeguada Forest Reserve

Financed by: Ecological Trust of Panama, FIDECO Fund.

Executing Entity: MiAmbiente

Total amount: B/. 88,903.00
FIDECO contribution: B/. 59,832.00
Counterpart Contribution: B/. 29,071.00

Date: In execution

Programmatic Area:  Strengthening the National System of Protected Areas.


2,000 educational brochures were printed, triptych-type, size 11×17, colored glossy paper.

15 radio programs were developed for two months and three weeks starting in November 2021, every Tuesday from 2:00 to 2:30 pm

Maintenance was carried out on the wastewater system, for the proper functioning of the toilet battery.

The contract was awarded for the Construction of a battery of toilets, sanitary facilities to be located in a flat area on the other side of the road in front of the checkpoint at the site known as La Toma

The design, construction and installation of eight (8) information signs, signage and trails was carried out.

The camera trap workshop and the basic manual for using camera traps were developed

PMEMAP workshops were held with interest groups and POA sessions

FIDECO, Programa de Donaciones a las Áreas Protegidas

Alternatives for Sustainable Livestock and Biodiversity Conservation in the Garachiné site, San Antonio river micro-basin, Darién National Park

Funded by: Panama Ecological Trust, FIDECO/DARIEN Fund

Executing Entity: FUDIS

Total Amount: B/. 168,300.00

Contribution from the FIDECO Fund: B/. 153,000.00

Counterpart Contribution: B/. 15,300.00

Start date: January 3, 2022

Completion date: January 3, 2023

Program Area: Ecosystems/Forests – Biodiversity

General Objective: Contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and the connectivity of the natural habitats of Garachiné as part of the buffer area of the Darién National Park, using sustainable production practices on cattle farms in the area.

Specific objectives:

  • Silvopastoral systems implemented in the Garachiné livestock production farms as measures for forest restoration, biodiversity conservation and the reduction of contamination of water and soil resources
  • Reforestation with native species implemented in the agricultural farms of Garachiné as a mechanism to reduce selective logging and provide firewood and wood for consumption by local communities
  • Forest fires in Garachiné have been reduced due to the implementation of good practices in fire management by agricultural producers in the area

Project products:

  1. Implementation of the investments proposed in the Management Plan in the 15 farms of selected producers and that the project intervenes in at least 15 hectares with the following technologies: (i) silvopastoral systems; (ii) forest enrichment; and (iii) installation of drinkers and water harvesting systems for animals.
  2. Implementation of the Fodder Bank Project as a productive alternative in 3000m2 per farm to be intervened
  3. Prepare a Reforestation and Maintenance Plan with native species for 5 farms selected from component 1 and train producers in maintenance methodologies for forest plantations
  4. Reforest at least 5 hectares with native species on the selected farms
  5. For the year 2021, a diagnosis of current practices in fire management in Garachiné has been carried out and a Training Plan has been designed, specifically for agricultural farms.
  6. By 2022, the Fire Management Training Plan for Garachiné producers has been implemented and 10 producers have been provided with fire fighting equipment


Alternatives for Sustainable Livestock and Biodiversity Conservation in the Garachiné site, San Antonio river micro-basin, Darién National Park

Alternatives for Sustainable Livestock and Biodiversity Conservation in the Garachiné site, San Antonio river micro-basin, Darién National Park

Funded by: Panama Ecological Trust, FIDECO/DARIEN Fund

Executing Entity: GEMAS

Total Amount: B/. 183,145.00

Contribution from the FIDECO Fund: B/. 161,595.00

Counterpart Contribution: B/. 21,550.00

Start date: January 20, 2021

Completion date: July 20, 2022

Program Area: Biodiversity

General Objective: Ecosystem conservation measures implemented, focused on the recovery and protection of environmental goods and services, to stop the loss of biodiversity, generating changes in production models, through comprehensive farm management plans.

Specific objectives:

  • Monitor the pressures and threats on biodiversity, to evaluate changes in the conditions of the Focal Elements of management, in the Garachiné site, based on a methodology developed for the baseline
  • Ecosystem conservation measures implemented, focused on the recovery and protection of environmental goods and services, to stop the loss of biodiversity, generating changes in production models, through comprehensive farm management plans

Project products:

  1. Environmental baseline of the condition of conservation objects
  2. Monitoring protocol prepared and implemented of the focal elements of management at the Garachiné site
  3. Preparation and implementation of 10 comprehensive farm management plans in the San Antonio river sub-basin and Garachiné site
  4. Adoption of technology transfer and good practices for climate-smart livestock
  5. Development of a capacity building process focused on the COVID-19 framework
  6. Systematization and communication of the project


Capacity Building Program

It is one of the most outstanding in the Fideco Fund, it seeks to strengthen civil society organizations to influence the national environmental agenda.

The work of the program focuses on strengthening the actions of the organizations implementing projects financed by Fundación Natura and in assisting environmental initiatives of organized civil society, provided that they are in accordance with the general guidelines, national environmental policies and focused on the stated principles of the program.

The Capacity Building Program have three components:
• Strengthening of Networks and Partners
• Support of Environmental Initiatives
• Promote people participation

The guidelines of the program contemplates that actions and initiatives that are supported must be framed in at least one of the following criteria:

  1. Planning and follow-up / monitoring meetings
  2. New environmental initiatives
  3. Internships
  4. Ecological conferences
  5. Inputs for the continuity of processes
  6. Technical assistance
  7. Seminars – workshops
  8. Environmental education
  9. Study results
  10. Environmental commemoration
  11. Incentives and recognitions
  12. Environmental culture
  13. Publications and productions
  14. Meetings and forums
  15. Conferences, congresses, seminars
  16. Adaptive agro-ecological techniques
  17. New techniques for the management of Natural Resources


Conservation and protection of gallery forests

Conservation and protection of gallery forests of the micro-basin of Quebrada La Honda, Hydrographic Basin of the Panama Canal

Funded by:
Ecological Trust of Panama, FIDECO Fund.

Executing Entity:
Foundation for National Parks and the Environment (FUNDACIÓN PANAMÁ)

Total amount:
Contribution from the FIDECO Fund:
113,629 USD
Matching Contribution:
37,520 USD

Start date:
September 12th, 2013
Finish date:
September 12, 2016

General objective:
Conservation and recovery of gallery forest ecosystems so that they fulfill their role as biological corridors and gene flow in the micro-basin of the La Honda stream, sub-basin of the Cirí Grande river, Hydrographic Basin of the Panama Canal.

Specific objectives:

  1. Protect the natural resources of the La Honda stream micro-watershed by restoring biological connectivity in gallery forests.
  2. Develop a GIS database of the reforested polygons in the micro-basin of the La Honda stream.

Program Area: Hydrographic Basins – Forest Cover


Conservation of forest cover in Cirí Grande and Trinidad

Conservation and protection of gallery forests of the micro-basin of Quebrada La Honda, Hydrographic Basin of the Panama Canal

Funded by:
Ecological Trust of Panama, FIDECO Fund.

Executing Entity:
Foundation for National Parks and the Environment (FUNDACIÓN PANAMÁ)

Total amount:
B/. 151,149.00
Contribution from the FIDECO Fund:
B/. 113,629
Matching Contribution:
B/. 37,520

Start date:
September 12th, 2013
Finish date:
September 12, 2016

General objective:
Conservation and recovery of gallery forest ecosystems so that they fulfill their role as biological corridors and gene flow in the micro-basin of the La Honda stream, sub-basin of the Cirí Grande river, Hydrographic Basin of the Panama Canal.

Specific objectives:
Protect the natural resources of the La Honda stream micro-watershed by restoring biological connectivity in gallery forests.
Develop a GIS database of the reforested polygons in the micro-basin of the La Honda stream.

Program Area:
Hydrographic Basins – Forest Cover


Organizational strengthening of ACACPA

Organizational strengthening of ACACPA for the implementation of the coffee business and marketing plan, sub-basin of the Cirí Grande and Trinidad rivers, CHCP

Funded by:
Ecological Trust of Panama, FIDECO Fund.

Executing Entity:
Solidarity Organic Production and Marketing Association (PROCOSOL)

Total amount:
B/. 106,233.20
Contribution from the FIDECO Fund:
B/. 95,533.20
Matching contribution:
B/. 10,700.00

Start date:
January 26, 2016
Finish date:
January 26, 2017

General objective:
Consolidate the organizational structure of ACACPA through a capacity building plan, aimed at promoting, activating and promoting ACACPA membership.

Specific objectives:

  1. Consolidate the organizational structure of ACACPA through a capacity building plan, aimed at promoting, activating and promoting ACACPA membership.
  2. Improve the operational capacity of ACACPA, through the evaluation of the productive capacity and the design of a wet and dry process benefit for coffee; through the incorporation of prioritized equipment to increase the commercial quality of the grain.
  3. Implement, together with the Capira MIDA, a control and monitoring plan for the coffee berry borer in 100 hectares of plantations within the Cirí Grande and Trinidad sub-basins.

Program Area:
Comprehensive Management of the Panama Canal Hydrographic Basin


Conservation and protection of forest cover in the Cirí Grande and Trinidad rivers

Conservation and protection of forest cover in the middle and lower part of the sub-basins of the Cirí Grande and Trinidad rivers, Panama Canal Hydrographic Basin
Funded by: Panama Ecological Trust, FIDECO Fund.

Executing Entity:
Solidarity Organic Production and Marketing Association (PROCOSOL)

Total amount:
138,925.00 USD
Contribution from the FIDECO Fund:
122,205.00 USD
Matching contribution:
16,720.00 USD

Start date:
November 16, 2015
Finish date:
May 16, 2017

General objective:
Implement measures for the recovery and protection of environmental goods and services, of the sub-basins of the Cirí Grande and Trinidad rivers (middle and lower section), to generate changes in production models and encourage agricultural producers to use sustainable agricultural techniques. .

Specific objectives:
Prepare and implement farm management plans in shaded coffee agroforestry plots in the middle and lower reaches of the sub-basins of the Cirí Grande and Trinidad rivers.
Prepare a digital GIS database of the management plans, of the selected farms, in the middle and lower sections of the sub-basins of the Cirí Grande and Trinidad rivers.

Program Area:
forest cover conservation


Conservation plan for the Gallito river micro-basin, Santa María river basin

Financed by: Panama Ecological Trust, FIDECO Fund.

Executing Entity: Group for Education and Sustainable Management (GEMAS)

Total Amount: B/. B/. 77,375.00
Contribution from the FIDECO Fund: B/. 70,000.00 Counterpart contribution: B/. 7,375.00

Start date: October 21, 2013

Completion date: May 1, 2015

Prepare a socioeconomic and environmental diagnosis of the Gallito River micro-watershed.

Prepare and validate the conservation plan for the Gallito River micro-basin and its monitoring tool.

Prepare an action plan to implement the conservation plan and monitoring of the Gallito River micro-basin, including the identification of the projects necessary to achieve positive impacts on the conservation and sustainable development of the micro-basin.


Implementation of conservation measures in the Caisán River sub-basin

Implementation of conservation measures for the recovery and protection of environmental goods and services of the Caisán river sub-basin.

Financed by: Panama Ecological Trust, FIDECO Fund.

Executing Entity: Foundation for the Integral, Community Development and Conservation of Ecosystems of Panama (FUNDICCEP)

Total Amount: B/. 203,545.00
Contribution from the FIDECO Fund: B/. 150,000.00 Counterpart contribution: B/. 53,545.00

Start date: April 23, 2015

Completion date: October 23, 2016

Program Area: Watershed Management


Conservation measures for the Gallito river micro-watershed

Farm management plans, implementing conservation measures for the recovery and protection of environmental goods and services of the Gallito river micro-watershed, Santa María river watershed.
Funded by: Panama Ecological Trust, FIDECO Fund.

Executing Entity: Group for Education and Sustainable Management (GEMAS)

Total Amount: B/. 103,350.00

Contribution from the FIDECO Fund: B/. 90,000.00
Matching contribution: B/. 13,350.00

Start date: November 16, 2015

Completion date: May 16, 2017

General Objective: Implement ecosystem conservation measures, focused on the recovery and protection of environmental goods and services, to stop the loss of biodiversity, generating changes in production models, through comprehensive management plans for farms in the Gallito river micro-basin.

Specific objectives:
Prepare ten (10) comprehensive farm management plans located in the upper and middle parts of the Gallito River micro-basin, which allow the beneficiaries to implement the prioritized actions.
Prepare and implement a training plan for the ten (10) beneficiary farms on good environmental practices, the conservation plan, and the ecosystems of the Gallito River micro-basin.

Program Area: Biodiversity


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